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Thank you for your interest in the Parkview Community League newsletter. Please Support Our Advertisers!
The Parkview Newsletter is delivered to our community of more than 1,300 housholds four times a year. It arrives in the first week of February, May, August and November.
Our Newsletter Team
Coordinator/Editor: Paula E. Kirman [email protected]
Design: Lisa Day
Advertising: Vacant [email protected]
Proofreader: Randy Layetzke
Distribution: Christina Froberg
Each advertiser contributes $125 to cover the cost of printing and distribution. Please note that we do not accept advertising inserts. Advertising is now 15 banners (8 1/2” wide by 2” deep) at the tops and bottoms of pages. Please supply ad copy in digital form in most of the common file formats, (jpg .pdf, png, tif)
All ads should consider a minimum 1/8″ bleed in their design, this means it is best to avoid text and artwork in the bleed area (all edges of the ad that may be cut off in printing). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, we are happy to help!
You may pay as you go or in advance for issues in a full year (usually 4). Advertising revenue covers the production and distribution costs to get this newsletter to all 1,356 households in Parkview/Valleyview plus extras at the Hall and local retailers.
Content & Advertising submission dates are:
January 15
April 15
July 15
October 15